{ "dates": [ { "title" : "Year Presentation", "startDate": "2021-09-09", "endDate":"2021-09-09", "description": "Presentation of the year" }, { "title" : "Parent-Teacher Meeting", "startDate": "2021-09-13", "endDate":"2021-09-13", "description": "Parent-Teacher Meeting (18:30)" }, { "title" : "High Bac Entry Test", "startDate": "2021-09-15", "endDate":"2021-09-15", "description": "High Bac Entry Test" }, { "title" : "Diagnostic Exams", "startDate": "2021-09-13", "endDate":"2021-09-18", "description": "French: 2h, Mathematics: 1h" }, { "title" : "English Exams", "startDate": "2021-09-20", "endDate":"2021-09-25", "description": "English Exams: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Spanish + Econo. Exams", "startDate": "2021-09-27", "endDate":"2021-10-02", "description": "Spanish: 1h30, Econo.: 1h" }, { "title" : "Physics + History & Geography", "startDate": "2021-10-04", "endDate":"2021-10-09", "description": "Physics: 1h30, History & Geography: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Start of Half-Trimester Report Generation Starts", "startDate": "2021-10-11", "endDate":"2021-10-11", "description": "Start of Half-Trimester Report Generation Starts" }, { "title" : "French Exams", "startDate": "2021-10-11", "endDate":"2021-10-16", "description": "French: 2h" }, { "title" : "Mathematics Exams", "startDate": "2021-10-18", "endDate":"2021-10-23", "description": "Mathematics: 2h" }, { "title" : "All Saints Vacation", "startDate": "2021-10-23", "endDate":"2021-11-08", "description": "Vacation!" }, { "title" : "Pedagogic Day (Day Off)", "startDate": "2021-11-12", "endDate":"2021-11-12", "description": "Pedagogic Day (Day Off)" }, { "title" : "Science + Computer Science Exams", "startDate": "2021-11-15", "endDate":"2021-11-20", "description": "Science: 1h30, Computer Science: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Spanish Exams", "startDate": "2021-11-22", "endDate":"2021-11-27", "description": "Spanish: 1h30" }, { "title" : "First Trimester Grading Stops", "startDate": "2021-11-30", "endDate":"2021-11-30", "description": "First Trimester Grading Stops" }, { "title" : "English + Econo. Exams", "startDate": "2021-11-29", "endDate":"2021-12-04", "description": "English: 1h30, Econo.: 1h30" }, { "title" : "First Trimester Report Generation", "startDate": "2021-12-01", "endDate":"2021-12-07", "description": "First Trimester Report Generation" }, { "title" : "Parent-Teacher Meeting", "startDate": "2021-12-09", "endDate":"2021-12-09", "description": "Parent-Teacher Meeting (18:00)" }, { "title" : "Florence Class Trip", "startDate": "2021-12-13", "endDate":"2021-12-17", "description": "Hopefully, our class will go to Florence, Italy" }, { "title" : "Christmas Vacation", "startDate": "2021-12-17", "endDate":"2022-01-03", "description": "Vacation!" }, { "title" : "French Exams", "startDate": "2022-01-03", "endDate":"2022-01-08", "description": "French: 2h" }, { "title" : "Mathematics Exams", "startDate": "2022-01-10", "endDate":"2022-01-15", "description": "Mathematics: 2h" }, { "title" : "Computer Science + Science Exams", "startDate": "2022-01-17", "endDate":"2022-01-22", "description": "Computer Science: 1h30, Science: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Orientation Informations", "startDate": "2022-01-20", "endDate":"2022-01-20", "description": "Orientation Informations (19:30)" }, { "title" : "Q&A for Orientation", "startDate": "2022-01-27", "endDate":"2022-01-27", "description": "Q&A for Orientation (14:30)" }, { "title" : "Optional Options Exams", "startDate": "2022-01-24", "endDate":"2022-01-29", "description": "Optional Options Exams: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Grade Level Exams (French)", "startDate": "2022-02-07", "endDate":"2022-02-11", "description": "Grade Level Exams (French): 3h" }, { "title" : "Grade Level Exams (Other)", "startDate": "2022-02-14", "endDate":"2022-02-18", "description": "Grade Level Exams (Other)" }, { "title" : "Winter Vacation", "startDate": "2022-02-18", "endDate":"2022-03-07", "description": "Vacation!" }, { "title" : "Second Trimester Grading Stops", "startDate": "2022-03-10", "endDate":"2022-03-10", "description": "Second Trimester Grading Stops" }, { "title" : "Second Trimester Report Generation", "startDate": "2022-03-12", "endDate":"2022-03-14", "description": "Second Trimester Report Generation" }, { "title" : "Mathematics Exams", "startDate": "2022-03-14", "endDate":"2022-03-19", "description": "Mathematics: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Informations for Eloquance Competition", "startDate": "2022-03-22", "endDate":"2022-03-22", "description": "Informations for Eloquance Competition" }, { "title" : "English Exams", "startDate": "2022-03-21", "endDate":"2022-03-26", "description": "English: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Spanish + Econo. Exams", "startDate": "2022-03-28", "endDate":"2022-04-02", "description": "Spanish: 1h30, Econo.: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Physics + History & Geography Exams", "startDate": "2022-04-04", "endDate":"2022-04-09", "description": "Mathematics: 1h30" }, { "title" : "French Exams", "startDate": "2022-04-18", "endDate":"2022-04-23", "description": "French: 4h" }, { "title" : "Spring Vacation", "startDate": "2022-04-22", "endDate":"2022-05-09", "description": "Vacation!" }, { "title" : "Mathematics Exams", "startDate": "2022-05-09", "endDate":"2022-05-14", "description": "Mathematics: 2h" }, { "title" : "Science + Computer Science Exams", "startDate": "2022-05-16", "endDate":"2022-05-21", "description": "Science: 1h30, Computer Science: 1h30" }, { "title" : "Third Trimester Grading Stops", "startDate": "2022-05-28", "endDate":"2022-05-28", "description": "Third Trimester Grading Stops" }, { "title" : "Third Trimester Report Generation", "startDate": "2022-05-28", "endDate":"2022-06-05", "description": "Third Trimester Report Generation" }, { "title" : "Eloquance Competition", "startDate": "2022-06-02", "endDate":"2022-06-02", "description": "Eloquance Competition (13:30 - 17:00)" } ] }